Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bubbles and Ducks...Everywhere!

This adorable little one is my Granddaughter....YES Granddaughter!!! My husband's daughter has a little girl so when we got married I became and instant Grandmother...and a young one at that!!! She will be 2 years old in December and I just had to take her out for a few clicks of the camera!! My mother (sweet Miss Pat as the kids all know her!) came to help me and I couldn't have done it without her!! We went to a local park and took some bread to feed the ducks.
But....the ducks just would not cooperate...They weren't hungry!
A few of them came a little bit close...but not one took the bait!
Shame on them!!

Then....finally they "came a quacking"..and we got some big laughs!

And now...Bubble Time!!!
First she did the normal thing kids do when it came to stepping in damp grass...we picked her up to have her stand up and she lifted her legs up and crossed them like she was sitting in the air! So cute!
So....we worked a little magic...we put her on the concrete walkway,
got ourselves in the grass and started the Bubbles...

I think she forgot about the wet grass....she was having a Blast!

Makes you wonder what she's thinking....maybe which one should I try to catch!?!


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