Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Today is a Very Special Day!!

It's my 2nd Wedding Anniversary to my Wonderful Husband!!!

After being a single Mom for almost 9 years I really didn't think I would get married again....However, God had bigger plans for me! My father-in-law, sister-in-law and Mom all had a part of getting us together and I thank them very much!

We have had 2 years of happiness, hard work, challenges, love and laughter and I am so greatful! I can't wait for many more years to come!!
I Love You Wayne!!
Happy Anniversary!!


Sunday, September 21, 2008

Ben Franklin finally came to see the Cafe...

.....and he brought his kite with the key!!!! Wayne's restaurant FINALLY has electricity!!! WOW....how we depend on it!!! We are up an running to full capacity!!! YEAH!!!!

Still praying for those who don't have it in the area.........hopefully it will be soon!!
Next Post.....................some PHOTOTGRAPHY!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Schilleci's All-American Cafe....still cookin'

Even though we have been fortunate at out house, the Restaurant is still without power. :-(

BUT....we are still cookin'....my husband is the hardest worker in the world (along with my dad) and he doesn't let much get him down. Even though we do not have power inside the restaurant, we decided to grill outside. We have been very blessed with WONDERFUL weather!! The huge oak tree by the building was ok so everything has been great outside. The area where the restaurant is located has been hit hard....so power is taking a LONG time to get back on.

Not only do I have the BEST photography customers in the world....the restaurant has the BEST customers as well!!!! Everyone is so happy we are out there and are thankful they can get some AWESOME food! We thank everyone for coming out!!!

No, this is not Wayne's Brother and Sister....they are his parents....can you believe it!!! They came out to grab something to eat!!!

Me and My Sweetie!!! Still smiling through the storm of Mr. Ike!

(Jo Jo in the background!!)

Check out the Web Site:


See ya there~



I'm a native Houstonian, have been through many storms, including Alicia and I have never seen anything like Hurricane Ike! We woke up at 3:15 that morning as the storm moved through and have never seen wind like that....the trees swayed so much it was scary!

Well, I do have to say, that through the hurricane we have not had any huge problems at our house. We had a few fences down and one tree (that was already dead!) tilt over.

Our great neighbor came over with his power drill and helped to cut it down.

Then it was time to
clean up!!!

It made me sad to see the pile of wood because I personally planted this tree, years ago :(
HOWEVER......we are extremely blessed because we did not have major damage, never lost our water and were without power for literally hours, and we at times feel so guilty for that. We feel for and pray for those who have not had the same fortune, however we all know in Houston, we will all build everything back to normal eventually!
Blessings to everyone~

First Day of School AND American Idol Concert!!!

Well....yes....it's been almost a month, but better late than never, right?!

This is the morning of the first day of school, of the last year of Middle School...confusing??!!! YEP!

The night before school we all went to the American Idols Concert, even my Mom (she was a big fan and voted a ton for David Cook..!!) BTW...when I bought the tickets, I had no idea that the next day would be the first day of school =)

We had so much fun and absolutely LOVED the concert...it will be interesting to start hearing everone on the radio! Before the concert we went to eat at The Hard Rock Cafe downtown, maybe some of the artist will have some of their things at the Cafe's one day.

Needless to say.....there were a few yawns before getting on the bus :-)

Besides being a little tired, the first day of school went great!

Isn't it cute how Chase has his earphones on in all of the images...wonder what he's listening to? Typical teenager!!! Love that kiddo!!!

Until next time....
