Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Where were You when the World Stopped Turning.....

I'll NEVER forget where I was on September 11, 2001....my son, who was in 1st grade at the time, was about to get on the bus. We saw reports on TV, we didn't even know where things were happening, but.....I told him, "We have to pray for everyone, this is really bad!"....We stopped everything and prayed. "Go to school and tell your teacher what is happening!" I'm not sure why I told him to do that...I was just panicked!!! I knew that day would forever change our Country.

Anyway....as I saw a little bit of Oprah today and she had family members who lost a loved one on 9/11 and tears came to my eyes...one little girl took her dad's sweatshirt and made it into a pillow and she called it her "Daddy Pillow" and she hugged it all the time, like she was still hugging him.....one girl lost her mom (and she was a single mom) when she was 15 and became an instant mother to her 15 month old brother.....one mother told her 3 children "He loved you before you were ever born". All of that will definitely bring tears to your eyes! Then the thing that made me lose it was seeing family portraits, sometimes portraits are all you have left and they can always remind us of our loved ones and teach younger generations about their family. I realized what a WONDERFUL BLESSING I have as a Portrait Photographer to be able to "stop time" and make memories that people will have forever! It is truly a gift God has blessed me with!

After my son got home from football practice, I took him outside to our American Flag (that my awesome husband hung.........he graciously honored our country by serving in the Military in Dessert Storm), and just had to click a little bit!
So....Where were You when the World Stopped Turning?


1 comment:

Audrey said...

Hey Wendy, So fun to read your blog now! I love Chase's hair. Talk to you soon! Audrey